
In this portfolio Sofia Koukoulioti masterfully captures the essence of the sea and land through her images. On cold winter days, summer nights with the sun almost absent and some clouds rolling in, we are transported to a place of introspection and serenity.

The artist's use of light, particularly the dark evenings and the last light that illuminates the land or the sea, creates a sense of soul-stirring beauty. The movement of the sun, with its ebb and flow, is a powerful metaphor for the cyclical nature of life.

The artist's ability to depict the deep and lightfull land, sea and the mountains, is truly remarkable. As we observe the light coming through the clouds and along the sea of unknown lands, we are struck by the way the earth is moving, reminding us of the unending dance of Earth Spirit - Gea.

The strange absence of people in the summer evenings, with only traces left behind on the sand, serves as a reminder that everything is ephemeral, and that in these silent moments of self-reflection and observation, all that remains is the beauty of our planet.